22/10/2012 20:21:13
che facciamo ragazzi lo si pre-ordina il castello?
23/10/2012 00:57:42
23/10/2012 13:55:45
mi chedo sempre perchè se sei già una strappona inguardabile tu ti debba pure conciare così...
bellissimo quando si affaccia uno skeletor che se ne va schifato...
certo che a vederlo così ram man fa la sua figura...
23/10/2012 15:12:42
e` la prima volta che vedo il nostro eroe in difficolta`......
ram man e` una manna dal cielo......
25/10/2012 21:20:03
so che questa e la sezione sbagliata per queste info, ma guardate questo link
questa app merita, poi a 0, 99cen XD
27/10/2012 07:40:37
Scott “ToyGuru” Neitlich was nice enough to answer a selection of questions that were compiled here on Pixel-Dan.com and over at He-Man.org! Click through for his answers!
From Scott:
I’m so excited to see we have passed the 50% mark on the preorder! Don’t stop now. It will only HELP get the most amount of resources for the Castle if we can hit our min well before the deadline. If you are waiting for the last day (Nov 12) or anything like that, I would highly recommend placing your order as soon as possible. Holding off won’t help us, but if we can hit our minimum as soon as possible it always helps make the case for how demanded this item is! To all of our fans, please help spread the word. We all want this Castle to happen but we can’t do it without the minimum order. So if you are on the fence in anyway, now is the time to head on over to Mattycollector.com and preorder your very own Castle Grayskull!
1. When you announced Castle Grayskull you said it would be based on Mark Taylor’s prototype and mentioned the elongated mouth. The visuals on the B-sheet however are heavily inspired by the vintage boxart and the license guide. Is that the definitive look now or can we still expect to see the protruding snout and stalactite teeth from the prototype incorporated in the final design?
It is still a work in progress. Ideally we do want to lean more towards the prototype in the actual sculpt.
2. Since the castle is still in development and nothing has been set in stone yet, would you consider throwing in a few Filmation elements to convince some of the undecided Filmation fans to pre order such as snap on teeth to give it a more Filmation look?
That would be an awesome idea and I’m happy to pass it on. Right now we can’t commit to anything beyond what is shown on the blueprints but we are hoping the blueprints represent the minimum that will be in the castle, with as many surprises as possible that can be added in!
3. Will the Power Sword unlock the Jawbridge and what is the exact dimension of the main doorway?
The doorway is about 8.4 inches tall and 5.3 inches wide. At this point we don’t know if the sword will physically will unlock the door but we hope at least it will fit into a slot next to the door to have fantasy play of using it as a “key”.
4. Will the color scheme be in line with the classic toy and Point Dread, or will it be more like the 2002 playset/current MOTUC Grayskull stands?
Our plan is to use the vintage toy and prototype as the basis for the deco.
5. Could we get a better idea/description of the Wind Raider stand/attachment? And could you make it so the Wind Raider attaches to the top of the castle as well?
We can’t guarantee a landing pad on top of the castle right now as that is not in the approved blueprint. The way it currently works is there is a triangle wedge piece (seen on the blueprints) that fints between the two sides when opened. There is a notch in this piece that the Windraider stand will plug into. So the WR is parked “inside” the Castle right now. We will certainly explore the possibility of a Point Dread landing zone, but that is not guaranteed to be part of the set (at this time).
6. Will this be sculpted to allow for a possible Point Dread attachment at a later date?
Yes, we are thinking ahead on this, but there is no guarantee we will get to a Point Dread.
7. Could you talk more about the secret passageway out tot he second floor ledge. Will it be accesses by both the little staircase and the secret passage?
The idea is to have a rotating brick wall (like a spooky haunted house bookcase if you will) that leads out onto the ledge that can be opened to enter the second floor. Hope that clarifies!
8. Will you be tooling the throne in a way that it can easily be repurposed later with minor modifications as Zodac’s chair? How about it being able to seat the Sorceress due to her wings?
We haven’t worked out these exact details but both are being taken into consideration!
27/10/2012 07:41:05
9. How is the flag on top going to be produced? Cloth, plastic, or simply a sticker like the original?
Likely plastic but this is not 100% set yet.
10. Was the height of the levels in the cardboard version final?
They were approximate. The foam model is just for scale and does not represent final product.
11. Will the orb chamber be big enough for a figure or two to stand in? And will it have an orb stand included or will we need to use the one that came with TOD Sorceress?
No. The chamber is for the orb to be “hidden in” it is not large enough to be a “war room” if you will. Although I’m hoping you can maybe fit a figure meditating or something in a sitting position! (Note from Dan: Scott also mentioned on a recent recording of Roast Gooble Dinner [which has not gone live yet] that the Orb Holder is included, and is a bit shorter than the one that comes with TOD Sorceress.)
12. Could you add a chamber to house the Sword of Power and the Sword of Protection?
We are looking into some way to display these. Perhaps wall mounted but nothing locked in yet. Still too early.
13. What happened to the abyss diorama that was surrounding the castle in the vintage prototype? This was one of the arrows during the Power-Con presentation.
It is something we want to try and include but we’d first like to make sure we can get everything else. I suppose you can say this is last priority over things like the throne, the dungeon and the computer etc… We can’t guarantee the playmat right now.
14. One of the best things about the original MOTU playsets was that they also functioned as a storage unit for the MOTU action figures. Approximately how many MOTUC action figures will be able to be stored in the new MOTUC Castle Grayskull?
Honestly, I haven’t measured and it is hard to do so on the foam model. We’ll know more when and if we can move forward with sculpting.
15. Will the box art feature a new painting by Rudy Obrero or another artist? And could that painting also be a cool poster?
Yes, we are hoping Rudy will do the box art!
16. How about including a Check List poster like the vintage? It would be a great way to have a master visual list of everything released thus far and to hang on your wall!
Also a cool idea. Nothing set yet but this would be easier than including Point Dread if you will!
17. Will there be a bio for the castle?
Yes, and it was written at the time of all the other bios! (Snake Mountain too!)
18. Because some fans are afraid of billing and shipping issues that has plagued the line, will th e My Sub page go up soon? And will you offer a DHL shipping option for Grayskull?
DHL will not be available but the my sub page should be up in a matter of weeks at this point!
19. In relation to the My Sub page, if our credit cards expire next year, will there be a preorder page or something similar so we can change our credit card information for the Grayskull charge?
Yes, you should have no problem changing your order details if needed. (like your address if you move)
20. Will multiple Grayskull orders by one customer be combined to save on shipping?
Yes we can combine, but we don’t know how that will affect cost to ship.
21. The statement on Matty reads “One last thing… because this is a work-in-progress, features may be added or removed from the proposed design, but we can’t confirm anything now.” However, at NYCC you said that nothing would be cut only added. Is the statement on Matty a legal issue just to cover your bases? Or was your comment made prior to the Matty statement being drafted and we may actually face features being cut?
We want to put as much as we can into the Castle but legally we need to note details like this.
22. When you order a Grayskull and it says NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES, does this also mean there is no way to return a defective or shipping damaged item if you had used a trackable method? If there is a way, what will it entail in terms of cost to the customer?
If you have a defective product you can get it replaced, but you can’t exchange it for money or another different toy.
28/10/2012 08:48:21
Yes, and it was written at the time of all the other bios! (Snake Mountain too!)
28/10/2012 08:49:42
direi che, a questo punto, se il Castello andrà in porto, l`anno successivo vedremo quasi matematicamente anche la Montagna del Serpente (rima non voluta...)
28/10/2012 15:28:17
riguardo il preorder, se lo faccio con una postpay dove non ho credito, il preordine lo convalidano ugualmente? thanks
28/10/2012 18:02:51
Credo proprio di no Duosonic. Di fatto nel preordine devono scaricarti - anche se solo provvisoriamente - i soldi dal conto.
28/10/2012 19:37:44
ma non scaricavano un valore pari a ZERO? perchè, in caso contrario, di sicuro io di certo non mi avanzo 350 dollari da qui al 9 Novembre...
qualcuno ha già fatto il pre-order e può delucidare?
28/10/2012 20:33:17
No ragazzi non prelevano niente dalla carta. andate tranquilli. io ho già fatto il preorder.
28/10/2012 20:50:09
28/10/2012 21:53:19
Mi sono spiegato male: non scaricano effettivamente, ma (credo) se sulla carta hai meno della cifra da scaricare, non accettano il preorder.
Almeno, mi sembra che un tempo tentai un preorder con pochissimo sulla carta e me lo rifiutarono...
oh, ditemelo che eventualmente un pensiero ce lo fo pure io!
28/10/2012 22:01:45
Come non detto... l`ho appena preordinato. Non ti scaricano niente, neanche momentaneamente...
28/10/2012 23:04:44
meno male altrimenti mi toccava jumpare alla grande...
29/10/2012 09:56:17
Snake face secondo me è il miglior motu prodotto nella serie classic! Bellissimo! ma anche clamp champ e jitsu mi sembrano fatti bene!
30/10/2012 19:59:38
alla fine lo pre-ordinato pure io il castello, vediamo se matty lo produce(al momento si sa` come vanno gli ordinativi?)
05/11/2012 14:58:51
06/11/2012 01:22:42
siamo al 65%
ma mancano ancora 5 giorni, sono prodianamente fiducioso...
06/11/2012 02:34:49
regalano anche un poster a chi preordina il castello
su su...
06/11/2012 11:58:38
07/11/2012 06:32:30
Here is a message from Toyguru, urging those last minute MOTUC fans who are hesitant about purchasing Castle Grayskull for various reasons to reconsider.
It isn’t just a toy. It’s a pop culture icon. The original Castle Grayskull playset from 1982 has lived on well beyond its “playtime” and truly set the standard for what a toy playset should deliver. From the mysterious skull face to the action packaged throne room dungeon trap, how many of us just spent hours and hours of our childhood lugging that bad boy around playing out countless adventures for He-Man and his pals.
(hey mods, if you have it handy, feel free to drop in a link to that great video Pixel Dan did of the vintage castle here! Really hits it home better then I could!)
Until recently I never thought a playset could ever come out that would rival the original Castle. While playsets were a hallmark of the ‘80s, in recent years (and decades) we have seen decline in “action figure real estate” for a variety of reasons. But those monster sets of the early ‘80s will always remain lasting icons of an era when muscle-bound warriors ruled the living room, defending freedom and playtime everywhere.
It’s no secret that we’ve wanted the current Masters of the Universe Classics line (available each month on Mattycollector.com!) to become the greatest MOTU line of all time (if not one of the greatest toy lines of all time). Putting out any MOTU line that could even challenge the original is an endeavor unto itself.
But over the last 4 or 5 years, the MOTUC team has really stepped up to the plate and created some of the coolest, most amazing adult collector figures ever made. We’ve covered people, beasts, gorillas, giant dragons and even flying boats. But we haven’t yet gotten to the center piece of them all. The playset. Well, now the time has come. Fan demand helped it happen, the Hoverboard pre-order sale made it plausible. And now if we hit our minimum order by November 12th, the MOTU fans will do what no other fan base for any toy line has been able to prove- that they ARE big enough to support large playsets and want to see these happen!
We’ve had our presale up for about two weeks now and are getting close. But we can’t close the gap without your help. If you are on the fence about whether or not to buy a Castle Grayskull, let me see if I can talk you over to our side of the yard.
A lot of folks have looked at not just the price, but the actual footprint of the Castle and wondered “where am I even going to put that?” Well, you’ve got a lot of options. We did design the Castle to display as many figures as possible, even adding a third level across the top to attack or defend from below. Some fans have noted they really only want a “Castle façade” to use as a backdrop. If you only want a one-sided façade as a backdrop, simply only assemble the front half of the Castle. Just like the vintage set, our new MOTUC Castle Grayskull swings open and closed. If you have limited shelf space or only want the front side behind your collection, you can simply detach the back half (just like the vintage set) and display only the front half!
But there is another factor to consider.
As a collector myself, I know how valuable “shelf space” is. And finding room for a full Castle Grayskull in your current toy room or man cave (or woman cave!) is often challenging. One thing I would throw out there from my good friends on the Back to the Future brand is to think about this playset “fourth dimensionally.”
This Castle Grayskull isn’t just for now. It isn’t just for tomorrow or even next week. This Castle Grayskull is for the next 30 years.
It really isn’t every day or even every decade that Mattel can offer a MOTU playset. This is a rare thing. (Heck, quite literally, this is only the third Castle in 30 years, so I guess that means we’ve done one a decade at this rate, right?)
But this one is different. This is CLASSICS Castle Grayskull.
07/11/2012 06:32:47
This is the one we have all waited for. It is in scale with our 6” figures and chock full of every detail, crammed with accessories, and ideally will be sculpted to perfection soon (once we hit that minimum number of pre-orders on Nov 12th!). And for those a little unsure, it does include ALL of the items shown in the blueprints. We hope to add more, but there won’t be less.
This is the playset “designed to last” for the adult collector. The chance of doing this again or offering anything like this in another way is pretty slim, especially if this one doesn’t go through. Ever since Classics debuted 5 years ago, fans have been asking for this centerpiece. Now is the time.
If you are on the fence, as both the brand manager for MOTU and a fan, I suggest it is time to get off and support this playset. It truly is in the fans’ hands. We can’t make this playset without you. We all want this. We’ve been asking for it for years. Mattel finally found a way to make it happen, but it can only go forward with your support.
You may not have the room to display the Castle today. Personally, I own thousands of toys and for the most part they are in large rubber bins in storage. I simply don’t have room to display everything I own or even want to (especially with a 2 ½ year old at home – small parts and all…). But even before I was lucky enough to land a gig at Mattel as a professional collector (if you will), I’ve always viewed my collection as “one day.” “One day” I know I will be successful enough and have a big enough place to display all my toys, including the proper space for this castle.
But the Castle Grayskull pre-order is now.
Even if you think you lack the proper display space for the Castle right now, keep in mind this playset not only is a bit of a one-time offer, but more importantly, it is going to last. Twenty years from now, even thirty years from now, hopefully we’ll all be looking over our MOTUC collections with joy. Whether or not we’re still offering new monthly figures or not isn’t the key. They key is that even after figures stop coming out, your collection is permanent. You’ll have it as long as you collect. And seriously, who doesn’t want Castle Grayskull to be the centerpiece of that collection?! Years from now, do you not want to have this castle there with all your figures? How incomplete will your collection look if this Castle is missing? Preordering the Castle isn’t just about 2012 or 2013 but for the life of your collection for as long as you want to keep MOTU on display. Years from now, with a “complete” figure set, this playset will be the centerpiece of any collection. Whether you display everything now, or one day intend to have an amazing shelf (shelves?) full of MOTUC toys, this is the time to lock in your Castle Grayskull. This castle isn’t just to display now but to reign proudly over all your toys for decades to come. This playset is going to look amazing. It is going to be everything we all want a Classics Castle to be.
Please help us make this happen. Help your fellow He-Fans make this happen. Offering a 6” scale Castle Grayskull really is a turning point in all of toy collecting. This playset truly could go on to become one of (if not THE) greatest toy made. Think of how iconic the vintage playset still is 30 years later.
Now think of that powered by the detail, paint, sculpting and passion of the Classics line. This is going to be one heck of a toy. It’s the one that will make all your friends jealous, not just for years, but for decades to come. Opportunities like this don’t come around that often and now is the time. Let’s make this happen.
We have the power!
PS: We are still working on the packaging but hope to have Rudy do another amazing new illustration on what will be a closed box. If we do move forward, one thing we want to do is let fans vote on which 5 good guys and which 5 bad guys will be attacking/defending the Castle on the box front illustration. We hope to involve fans as much as possible along the way but we need to hit that minimum order quota first. So if you are on the fence, now is the time to come on board!