09/02/2012 19:05:51
Ciao friends could you give me informations about this http://www.giocattolivecchi.com/mercatino_detail.aspx?t=1&f=3&s=6&id_a=35713
09/02/2012 19:16:35
goldrake LUCA is a particular brand made ??in italy very rare to find in the box and complete
09/02/2012 19:39:08
Kool ! Do u know where come from the arm? The body is daimos but the arms? Grazie
09/02/2012 19:59:41
Ciao Peppe i found the arms, could you gibve me a good pictures of the accesoiries?is it yours? Is it possible to have a scan of the box to do a copy? grazie mille
09/02/2012 20:14:08
her arms look like those of Daltanious
09/02/2012 20:16:25
the robot is my I send you more photos but I can not scan the box
09/02/2012 20:21:54
serie completa 4 robots
09/02/2012 20:35:30
grazie could you do a good pictures of accessoiries? arms : http://www.giocattolivecchi.com/mercatino_detail.aspx?t=1&f=3&s=6&id_a=29882
09/02/2012 20:57:53
the Daikengo not part of the series of the 4 robots of the firm of toys LUCA. are part of the series robots you see depicted in the box
09/02/2012 21:07:17
the arms of daikengo i bought are same ...anyway. is it possible to have a good pictures of the bag of accessoiries of the grendizeri would like to found them... thanks !
09/02/2012 21:11:06
is also possible to have a better picture of the side of boxe where there is grendizer..grazie
09/02/2012 21:27:54
09/02/2012 21:43:38
There are currently unable to because I put all the toys in boxes because I`m about to move from the house where I live now and not think to re-open the boxes for a month
09/02/2012 21:52:01
what this mean?
09/02/2012 21:53:42
09/02/2012 22:00:21
10/02/2012 09:41:56
I can not return home and when photographing toys
10/02/2012 10:24:47
wow peppe72, very nice your robot
10/02/2012 11:19:36
10/02/2012 13:15:19
thanks a lot peppe for your help !! i will try to find what inside the bag... ;-)
10/02/2012 13:36:13
chi può dirmi che cosa c`è nella borsa?
grazie !
10/02/2012 15:11:58
ci sono nr.2 pugni, nr.3 spade, le spade si infilano in un foro che sta nei pugni, nr.2 missili da sparare dalle gambe . nel box non c`è altro
10/02/2012 17:44:47
Questa è la spada di Daimos? sembra che ci sia una katana. come battelfever?!
10/02/2012 19:40:17
10/02/2012 20:35:23