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Valutazione Informazioni su robot vintage
29/03/2011 08:59:54
Quello in figura (presa da un annuncio chiuso qui sul sito...). Lo avevo da piccolo. Volevo saperne di più cio? se apparteneva ad una serie, come veniva venduto (scatolina, blister ecc...), se si riesce a trovare e che valutazione poteva avere dovendolo comprare.
29/03/2011 10:24:45
29/03/2011 11:58:25
serie metal man della zee toys. simile microman. molto sottovalutata
"Metal Man is an interesting side note to the Microman toys of the seventies. Metal Man was a series of figures produced by the Hong Kong company Zee Toys. Zee is best known for manufacturing and marketing a venerable line of die cast cars, trucks and motorcycles. Zee also had a number of subsidiary companies, and Metal Man was distributed under at least one of these subsidiary`s names, Zylmex, as well as under the Zee name. But, essentially, same company, same toy.
The Metal Man line was produced in 1977 and possibly 1978, and contained a small number of 3-1/2 inch tall, all metal figures. Most of these figures were humanoid-based adventurers such as an astronaut, soldier and policeman. Obviously, these had no relation to Microman or the Micronauts. There was a robot in the first series, named Radon, that also has little relation to Microman. He does, however, have feet that are identical to the feet found on Galactic Warrior.
Later, however, in a second, and possibly final, series, another two robots were released. These were Questar and Roton. They are of great interest to Microman collectors, as both are almost exact duplicates of the Microman version of Ga-keen."
29/03/2011 12:01:03
29/03/2011 12:03:43
29/03/2011 12:05:11
29/03/2011 12:21:48
vabbe`poi te li cerchi
29/03/2011 16:09:09
Belli, grazie conte ma che valutazione hanno?
29/03/2011 18:12:28
non sapendo, non ti sono d`aiuto su questo.
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