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 Valutazione "Samurai Warriors" - Help

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17/07/2016 02:42:52
panthershockey27 (dal 13/07/16)
voti annunci collezione forum

I have been researching the Samurai Troopers line off and on for about 20 years since I started collecting.

I know of the Japanese, American, Italian versions etc.

But where was the "Samurai Warrior" line produced, for what country? I bought two myself, a long..time ago.
After many hours of research and time I`ve narrowed it down to Spain or France. I was always under the impression they came from Spain for the Spanish version but I`ve also seen them sold in well as Brazil and Spain. Rarely have I seen them MIB, usually loose from these countries it seems like.

I even decided to email Bandai company in the USA to find out an answer but I`ve yet to get a response. I will probably call their headquarters in California if all else fails.

Does anyone know for sure what version, either the Spanish or French? I will post a picture of one of mine and what they look like if someone can tell me how to post pictures on this =)
17/07/2016 05:24:53
panthershockey27 (dal 13/07/16)
voti annunci collezione forum

figured out how to post picture, there is an example. My Dais - "Diavolo"

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