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 (non ho parole, le ho finite, terminate) Giappone:governo giapponese:Fukushima:incredibile:ridicolo...

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24/08/2013 09:44:11
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Metto un bel video nel quale un COGLIONE(non ci sono altri termini) giapponese fa delle affermazioni su Fukushima e sull`attuale situazione, che hanno dell`incredibile. Dell`impensabile. Del ridicolo, appunto...
Ne cito una, quella piu` "bella": "Chi ride non subira` l`effetto delle radiazioni".

Non credo che sia uno scherzo, spero di si` ma abbiamo raggiunto dei livelli di lavaggio del cervello e di propaganda irrimediabili... Poveri giapponesi. Da una parte mi fanno pena, ma quelli che credono alle stronzate del governo, invece, molto di mena.

A chi e` sposato con una giapponese e vive in Italia: BRAVI, rimaneteci SEMPRE.
24/08/2013 09:50:37
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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"molto di mena"?!?!?

molto di meno!
24/08/2013 09:51:19
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Questo tizio e`anche professore!!!!
24/08/2013 09:54:39
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Se avete qualche amico giapponese dalle parti di Tokyo-Chiba e Fukushima, mi raccomando ,
consigliateli di ridere...Andra` tutto bene...
24/08/2013 09:59:31
vs88 (dal 20/10/05)
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qual è la situazione attuale?
Purtroppo per quanto grave possa essere, ad oggi non penso ci siano soluzioni...
Non penso che il governo possa dire, o dirà mai, abbandonate queste città..
Sta nei singoli individui capire quali sono le scelte giuste compatibilmente con le loro possibilità
24/08/2013 10:07:20
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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La situazione attuale e` che recentemente sono state riversate 300 tonnellate di acqua radioattiva nel mare.
La situazione attuale e` -secondo me- riassumibile con un solo termine, anzi due: omerta` e incoscienza.
Tokyo e` troppo grande, troppo densamente popolata per essere evacuata...
Il problema dei singoli individui e `quello: sono "singoli". I giapponesi agiscono, e pensano anche, in gruppo; l`individualismo viene condannato dalla societa`...

Tokyo Electric Power Co. indicated it’s losing the battle to contain leaks of radioactive water at its Fukushima plant and emphasized for the first time that it needs overseas expertise to help contain the disaster.

The remark from Zengo Aizawa, a vice president at the utility, followed a leak of 300 metric tons of irradiated water this week. Japan’s nuclear regulator labeled the incident “serious” and questioned Tepco’s abilty to deal with the crisis. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made similar comments earlier this month.

“We will revamp contaminated-water management to tackle the issue at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant and seek expertise from within and outside of the country, ” Aizawa said at a press conference last night in Tokyo. “There is much experience in decommissioning reactors outside of Japan. We need that knowledge and support.”

In Vienna, the International Atomic Energy Agency said it’s prepared to help. Besides radiated water, the site north of Tokyo has more than 73, 000 cubic meters of contaminated concrete, 58, 000 cubic meters of irradiated trees and undergrowth, and 157, 710 gallons of toxic sludge, according to the utility.

The tanks holding highly radioactive water cover an area equal to 37 football fields, and the utility is clearing forest to make room for more. There are 480 filters clogged with cesium. Each weigh 15 tons and are warehoused in what the utility calls temporary storage, though it will take hundreds of years for the radiation to decay.

‘Biggest Concern’

Japan’s nuclear watchdog has ratcheted up concern about more leaks of highly radioactive water from the hundreds of storage tanks at the Fukushima atomic plant.

The possibility of leaks from other tanks “is the biggest concern, ” said Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Shunichi Tanaka at a press conference yesterday. “This will need to be handled carefully on the assumption that one incident could bring another.”

Late last night, Tepco said water leaking from the storage tank probably ran into the ocean. It cited high radiation readings in a drainage ditch.

At least one commissioner at the regulator questioned the accuracy of data being released by Tepco and whether the incident had been fully reported. The leak, along with a separate spill of 300 tons of radioactive water a day into the Pacific Ocean, is raising doubts about the utility’s ability to handle the 40-year task to decommission the nuclear site.

Tepco’s Effort

Tepco is providing the regulator with information, company spokesman Yoshikazu Nagai said by phone, declining to comment further. The company’s shares fell as much as 15 percent in Tokyo yesterday, their biggest intraday slide since June 5.

Japan’s government has ordered an investigation into the safety of hundreds of other tanks storing contaminated water in Fukushima, the site of the world’s worst civilian nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl reactor exploded in 1986.

There are 226 tanks of similar bolted design to the leaking unit with the same 1, 000-ton capacity at the site, said Tatsuya Shinkawa, director of the nuclear accident response office in the government’s Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, which called for the probe.

Nuclear incidents and accidents are ranked by order of severity on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale or INES, which has seven categories and was set up by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Leaking Tanks

On Aug. 19, Tepco said about 300 tons of highly radioactive water had leaked from a storage tank and was ranked as category one on INES, the lowest.

Japan’s NRA raised that to category three yesterday, or a “serious incident.” The 2011 meltdown of the three reactors at Fukushima is in the highest severity category of seven on the INES scale, the same as Chernobyl.

“This INES evaluation is based on the 300-ton leak, but I really wonder if we can trust data provided by Tepco, ” Toyoshi Fuketa, a commissioner at the NRA, said at a meeting in Tokyo. “I really wonder if we should judge based on Tepco’s data.”

In two separate incidents this month, workers were exposed to radioactive releases at the plant.

Prime Minister Abe has said that Tepco alone isn’t able to handle the clean-up, promising more government funds without detailing how they’d be used.

Overseas Concern

24/08/2013 10:09:18
len_roma (dal 13/12/04)
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full support !!!
24/08/2013 10:17:17
15093_ban (dal 20/10/08)

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Immaginiamoci 10 episodi così in tutto il mondo.....chissà che succederà.....e si continua ancora ad usare il nucleare..........mi immagino la sigla di apertura di Hokutonoken
24/08/2013 10:19:34
lestat2204 (dal 06/09/05)
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Massimo appoggio giulio!
24/08/2013 10:27:53
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Grazie per l`appoggio.
Ormai qui ci vuole un appoggio per il cervello bacato di queste persone, che con la propaganda e il lavaggio del cervello piu` subdolo e disgustoso, cercano (e ci riescono, considerato che una buona parte di popolazione si sente "sicura"perche` lo dice il governo) di instillare nelle menti di tanti giapponesi la speranza del nulla. L`ottimismo del vuoto.

24/08/2013 10:40:14
takiro (dal 18/04/02)
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Mi raccomando mangiate pesce....

24/08/2013 10:40:19
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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NaturalNews) The following is a first-person account of the attempt by the Japanese government to brainwash victims of Fukushima radiation poisoning into believing radiation would not harm them if they simply "smile." Natural News is the first U.S. news source to publish this account in English. The name of the original author is Uwamae Masako, who now lives in Taiwan after escaping Fukushima and leaving behind many friends and family members.

As you`ll see below, the Japanese government`s Fukushima Radiation Health Risk Advisor uses a hypnotic, droning speech pattern to try to convince his audience of absolutely bizarre quack science beliefs like "people who drink aren`t affected by radiation" or that "laughter will remove your radiation phobia."

What follows is a true, firsthand account...

I`m a mother who has two kids. I lived in Koriyama, Fukushima. When the earthquake happened, I heard from the radio that the nuclear plant exploded. "We can`t go back to Koriyama anymore, " was the first thought came to my mind. Sendai, where my husband worked, was not a safe place, either. Although the distance between the nuclear plant and Sendai is about 120 km, the wind direction made it not safe there.

After the electric power was restored, we watched TV. A famous professor repeatedly talked about how the nuclear plant functioned, and our government also said that there was no direct effect, but I felt uneasy. The danger of the third reactor is different from others, because it generates power from MOX ( mixed plutonium and uranium oxide) fuel. If the plutonium diffuses, it will be extremely dangerous -- it will make a lot of people die even if the diffuse amount is as little as one teaspoon.

None of this information was reported on TV, so many Japanese didn`t know it. I knew it only because I had a friend who was devoted to being against MOX fuel. It was terrible that information like this couldn`t be broadcast on TV, so I took my two kids to run away to my parents` place -- Kyoto.

Many people thought that as long as we stayed 10 km away from the nuclear plant, it was safe enough, but those big US corporations actually asked for their people who were within 80 km (even 100 km) to evacuate. The Fukushima government had possession of the forecast chart of radiation levels in the air, but they didn`t publish them. On the contrary, they held a speaking tour to advocate that there was no need to worry about radiation.

Unfortunately, I couldn`t make my friends who lived there understand how dangerous it was. Many residents listened to the government, who claimed that people could live there without problems and enjoy outdoor activities as usual. Therefore, many residents gave up the idea of escaping from Fukushima [and continued to live there].

The expert (Dr. Yamashita) even said that radiation wouldn`t affect happy people. Many people believed him, because he is from Nagasaki, which had suffered from the radiation of the atomic bomb. They thought that he should know more about radiation due to his background. However, the exposure to radiation is more complicated than you can imagine. The more serious problems included eating food that had been exposed to radiation. It was just like letting your internal organs be exposed to radiation.

After the explosion, I came back to our home several times - with a hat and mask. Even if I stayed there for a short time, I felt like I had a headache. Once I left there, I abandoned all the clothes and shoes I had been wearing. Before arriving at the refuge, I also washed my car. Three months after the explosion, my friend who lived there told me that many kids there experienced serious nosebleeds and other symptoms like incessant diarrhea, chest pain, recurrent headaches and more severe allergies. Their faces were as red as if they had been sunburned and their vision became poor... After the explosion, more and more residents got sick.

Up to now, I`ve had three Fukushima friends who died in the prime of life because of myocardial infarction. A junior high school student also died because of acute leukemia. The Japanese government didn`t ask for local residents to evacuate, but instead paid them to dig, mow, cut down trees and clean buildings with water. These actions couldn`t help much, because the contaminated soil was not removed, and when you burned the grass and trees, it resulted in radiation being transferred to smaller particles which then accumulated in the environment. Needless to say, many people died because they did "the cleaning".

It was a tough situation, because the key information was being concealed completely. Even now some people still don`t understand. Some of them wanted to run away, but in the end they gave up due to disagreements between family members. (Many couples divorced due to reasons like this.) Some people felt they could do nothing and tried to escape from the reality. Also, many people didn`t have money to move away. I gave up my friends and my job, even my home, because I knew no matter how cautious I was, I couldn`t avoid coming into contact with contaminated water, land and air, so the only thing I could do was to be far away from my home.

We finally came to Taiwan because contaminated food was everywhere in Japan, even in kids` school lunches. The debris was transported to burn in Kansai. Kansai received compensation for this, but, at the same time, local residents were harmed.

Japanese TV news deceived people, saying that the rising radiation levels were because of atmospheric pollution coming from China. I wanted to protect the lives and future of my children and myself, so I decided to move away from Japan. Everything can be regained, but lost lives cannot.

I truly hope that Taiwan won`t be like Japan. People need to have a greater understanding of nuclear power before they can make the right decisions and take proper action. Then we can protect our beloved family. In order to protect them, I would like to promote the idea of anti-nuclear power to all Taiwanese.

Learn more: ixzz2csFjUCAL
24/08/2013 12:02:28
mjsibbey (dal 29/11/12)
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ciao Cinobara, o meglio... Giulio? (perdonami se sbaglio).

Io lo sapevo che sarebbe finita in omertà bugie e chissà cos`altro.
Sai perchè? Perchè in Giappone, per cultura ed educazione, è facilissimo dirigere la mandria delle pecore ove si vuole.
Inoltre isolare le pecore nere è ancora più semplice (sempre per cultura ed educazione).
Pesce che sia pescato nelle zone fao di quella zona io non ne compro più da allora.
Pensare che andare in Giappone in viaggio ora è molto di moda...

preghiamo per il nostro pianeta affinchè non subisca altri traumi del genere
24/08/2013 12:10:32
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Guarda, la pensiamo nella stessa maniera e mi piace molto il termine "pecore".

24/08/2013 12:13:28
emme.g (dal 13/03/10)
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ragà nn siamo mucche e tutte le mattine ci mungono!e ci privano di tutto.
24/08/2013 12:34:50
Tracian (dal 18/04/02)
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Questi commenti, scritti in un paese in cui un criminale accertato (e con dozzine di forti indizi di altri crimini gravissimi) viene non solo tollerato, ma acclamato, assumono significati ancora più drammatici.
24/08/2013 12:36:31
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Mjsibbey, si mi chiamo Giulio e tu?

C`e`da dire a discapito di questo popolo, per fortuna, che non tutti i giapponesi sono pecore: lo dimostra la testimonianza in inglese di Uwamae Masako, preoccupata per la propria famiglia e per la situazione in generale;
testimonianza viva e toccante che ho riportato nell`ultimo articolo qui sopra.

Aggiungo che subito dopo il disastro di Fukushima, ho conosciuto un giapponese che mi e` riuscito a dire la seguente frase: se l`imperatore rimane a Tokyo allora vuol dire che va tutto bene e la situazione e`sotto controllo.
Io ci sono rimasto, perdonate il turpilioquio, di merda...Non credevo alle mie orecchie.
Per la cronaca, questa persona non vive nell`epoca Meiji (1868-1912)bensi` nel 2013, e ha "solo" 33 anni...
Giudicate voi.
24/08/2013 12:40:42
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Prego, chi ha Facebook, se vuole, di far girare il video che ho postato all`inizio.
24/08/2013 14:52:27
themycia (dal 25/04/08)
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eh si la situazione è altamente preoccupante...ringrazio cinobara per diffondere notizie che qui tramite tg vari ci arrivano distorte e a volte molto confuse....
lo ringrazio anche per l`obiettività che spesso sfugge parlando di certe cose che a lungo andare sfiancano, dicendoci ananche di persone che testimoniano il loro non voler far perte del gregge
24/08/2013 15:11:34
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Questi commenti, scritti in un paese in cui un criminale accertato (e con dozzine di forti indizi di altri crimini gravissimi) viene non solo tollerato, ma acclamato, assumono significati ancora più drammatici.

Se volete cambiamo bestia, che ne so tacchini?Asini?

A parte le celie,
e` un po`una persecuzione ma hai ragione Tracian
25/08/2013 04:35:51
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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lo ringrazio anche per l`obiettività

non sono obiettivo,
io m`incazzo e basta.
25/08/2013 11:45:21
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Spero che anche questo articolo, come il video sopra, sia uno scherzo di pessimo gusto:

Fukushima e il dark tourism. Un centro vacanze vicino alla centrale nucleare nel 2036

Si chiama dark tourism, il turismo delle catastrofi planetarie e per Fukushima si sta pensando a un centro vacanziero a 20 chilometri dalla centrale nucleare che potrebbe aprire nel 2036.

-Redazione- 24 agosto 2013- Mentre i giapponesi, e insieme a loro il resto del mondo, tremano al pensiero della contaminazione dell`Oceano Pacifico attraverso la falda acquifera, un gruppo di intellettuali nipponici ha lanciato il Fukuiki kanko project: un progetto per riconvertire Fukushima in un attrezzato polo turistico.

Il progetto porta la firma di Hiroki Azuma, critico letterario e direttore della casa editrice Genron e Co. Oltre a lui, la squadra dei promotori comprende un programmatore informatico, un giornalista, un attivista dei media, un artista e un sociologo.

Lo scopo del gruppo sarebbe quello di ripetere l`esperimento svolto a Chernobyl in Ucraina nel 2011, dove a 25 anni dal disastro nucleare più grave della storia, è stata fatta riaprire al pubblico la zona rossa, ovvero la fascia nel raggio di 30 chilometri dall`epicentro delle radiazioni. L`iniziativa intrapresa in Ucraina ha attirato curiosi da tutto il mondo, i quali però sono stati costretti a sottoscrivere una formula che esenta il tour operator da eventuali ripercussioni sulla salute.
Il fenomeno è stato ribattezzato dark tourism, il turismo delle catastrofi planetarie.

Secondo il magazine online J-Cast news il progetto prevederà escursioni attorno agli impianti nucleari e i visitatori, muniti di tuta e maschera, potranno cimentarsi in operazioni di pulizia.

Il Fukushima Gate Village, il vero e proprio centro visitatori, invece, dovrebbe sorgere a 20 chilometri di distanza dalla centrale.

Insomma, nonostante il progetto proposto preveda anche la ricostruzione delle aree colpite, incluse quelle abbandonate, così da portare nuovo lavoro e nuova vita, in molti lo vedono come un semplice modo per lucrare su una tragedia.

(Fonte:Articolo Tre)
25/08/2013 19:17:36
mjsibbey (dal 29/11/12)
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sai Cinobara,
dovrei portare questa gente con me in Sierra Leone o in Guinea Bissau; peggio ancora doveva esserci in Rwanda.

Tutto questo per il denaro.
Ma cazzo pensano, di portarselo nella tomba?
26/08/2013 13:10:28
daitarnXXX (dal 02/01/06)
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Cino, quando prima meglio che vai vià da lì.

Detto col cuore proprio, questi sono più pazzi pericolosi di noi!
26/08/2013 15:17:52
Cinobara (dal 18/04/02)
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Grazie caro!
Infatti anticipo il mio ritorno a Roma...
Oppure, come soluzione alternativa, io e mia moglie proviamo a ridere tutto il giorno cosi` non subiremo l`effetto delle radiazioni...Se lo dice il professorone universitario, beh, allora bisogna credergli.E` anche giapponese!

Ma io dico, si puo` essere piu`cretini?

Il cretino numero 1 qua sopra che riesce a dire certe stupidaggini dovrebbe rivolgersi direttamente, guardandoli in faccia,
alle famiglie di persone colpite da tumori, noduli, e a tutti quei poveri bambini innocenti che andranno di mezzo a questa storia.
Propaganda e lavaggio del cervello.

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